Aleksandra Mozgiel is one of the most versatile pianists of her generation. Her exceptional talent allows her to express herself perfectly in any musical style: as a soloist and accompanist, chamber musician or orchestral musician. Beauty of tone, refinement, brilliance, natural phrasing and timing are just some of the highlights of her performances.


Aleksandra Mozgiel graduated with honors from the St. Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk in the class of prof. Katarzyna Popowa-Zydroń. She also studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (prof. Michel Béroff and prof. Eric Le Sage) and Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover (prof. Gerrit Zitterbart). She is a graduate of Postgraduate Song Studies at the F. Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, as well as Postgraduate Studies in Education Management.


The pianist was a long-time scholarship holder of various institutions (Ministry of Culture and Art, Ministry of National Education, F. Chopin Society, National Children's Fund, Mayor of Gdańsk, Red Rose Association, Yamaha Foundation, Polish Government, French Government, Haffner-Wettstein Foundation ), she took part in numerous Master Classes working under the guidance of world-class piano, vocal and chamber music teachers (Joseph Kalichstein, Henry Meyer, Laszlo Simon, Miro String Quartet, Michel Béroff, Jean-François Heisser, Olga Pasiecznik, Jerzy Artysz, Maja Nosowska, Axel Bauni, Adi Bar, Katarzyna Jankowska-Borzykowska, Jadwiga Rappé, Tomasz Herbut, Krystyna Borucińska, Anna Radziejewska, Agata Zubel, Sebastian Hamann and others). She was also an intern during prestigious music courses at the Académie Internationale de Musique Maurice Ravel in St.-Jean-de-Luz (France) and at the Académie Internationale d'Été de Nice (France).


Aleksandra Mozgiel was a participant of the 15th International F. Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. In 2010, she participated in the jubilee project "Chopin 2010" giving a total of about 60 recitals in Poland, Finland, Switzerland, Italy and Slovakia. As a soloist, she performed under the baton of Massimiliano Caldi, Max Pommer, Mirosław Błaszczyk, Michał Nesterowicz, Bohdan Jarmołowicz. The artist made herself known to a wide audience on the stages of Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Austria, Italy, Slovakia and Guadeloupe.


Since 2003 she has been teaching piano at the General State Music School in Gdańsk, where she is the head of the Piano Department. Her students are the winners of national and international piano competitions (so far almost 60 prizes). She is also a lecturer at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, where together with prof. Jadwiga Rappé she guides the vocal lyric classes. Together with singer Anna Fabrello, she conducted the Master Classes of Polish Music in Geneva (Switzerland) and in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) for pianists and singers. In 2019, she performed as the official pianist of the 1st St. Moniuszko Polish National Vocal Competition in Gdańsk. In 2021 she was awarded Commission of National Education Medal for outstanding achievements in education, in 2022 Decoration of Honor Meritorious for Polish Culture.


Aleksandra Mozgiel is a laureate of 31 awards at 26 Polish and international competitions as a soloist and chamber musician. Her performances were recorded, among others, by Polish Radio and TV.

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